What we offer


We will assess your child’s speech, language and social communication skills and then advise whether these are age appropriate or identify any areas in which your child is having difficulties. We will then discuss a treatment plan. We always take your thoughts into account and will openly discuss how we can tailor intervention to suit your child, their needs and your family.


All therapy is individually tailored to suit each child and family’s needs.

We offer 1:1 therapy sessions which can be weekly sessions or less frequent depending on the needs of your child. These sessions are
supported by activities given to parents/ carers or school staff to carry out between sessions to help carry over and further develop your child’s communication skills within their everyday setting.

Advice/ programmes

We can provide advice and activities to help develop communication skills within the school / home if this is felt to be the most appropriate intervention.


We provide training for parents and schools either aimed at helping individual children or a specific group of children.

Our training packages include;

  • A targeted training programme for all staff involved with a particular child.
  • Training for INSET days e.g. strategies for supporting all children with language difficulties within the classroom.
  • Training for nursery staff about the typical development of language/communication skills, when you need to be concerned and when to request the help of outside agencies.
  • Sessions for parents helping to support their children’s communication skills in the home.
  • Joint training sessions with other professionals.

We have close relationships with local NHS therapy services but also with other independent therapists and professionals. We can help to signpost you to other services you may require.